Thursday, January 10, 2008

What Do We Do Again?

In my Internet wanderings this week for course material for an online medical writing class that I teach, I found a nice, short video interview with Susanna Dodgson, PhD, Graduate Program Director for Biomedical Writing at University of the Sciences, Philidelphia, USA. In it she describes what medical writers do. She also offers her opinion on the continuously controversial topic of ghost writing. (The interview was done by, an organization that aims to counter inappropriate pharmaceutical promotion practices.)

While I don't agree with everything that she says, especially how she breaks down medical writing into only two categories and her insistence that medical writers are scientists, the interview is pretty much 'on the money'. Speaking of, she also talks about money. Our salaries in Canada aren't quite as high as in the USA, but they are close. And certainly, I do agree that medical writers are often some of the best paid writers in the communications industry.

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