Friday, July 31, 2009

Hooking-Up Freelancers and Employers in Montreal

Last year, the Montreal members of the Canadian AMWA chapter organized a mixer to help freelancers connect with potential employers in the area, and vice versa. The event was really succesful. The event is repeating again next week. It's also open to non-AMWA members. Bring plenty of business cards!

American Medical Writers Association – Canada (Montreal area) Chapter presents:
Mesa 14, 1425 Bishop, Downtown Montreal, 284-0344
Wednesday, August 5th 2009, 6:30 pm

The pleasure of your company is requested at the 2nd annual American Medical Writers Association freelancer-employer mixer. This dinner event will encourage medical writers (and related professionals) to interact with the companies that hire them.

Freelancers, now is your chance to “show your stuff” to prospective employers who may be looking for talent like yours! We had a great event last year with a large turnout, so anyone who missed it is welcome to attend (AMWA members and non-members alike).

Please feel free to forward this invite to anyone who may be interested, writers and employers alike! For anyone who may know an employer (pharma company, medical communications firms, and CROs, etc.) and is shy to invite them, please advise me and I will send them an official invite. We’ll only have a successful event if we have a mix of both! Please ask them to RSVP by email with me so I can keep a tally of how many people to expect (

There is no fee, only what you order for food/or beverages. Don’t forget to bring lots of resumes, business cards, etc. Also feel free to bring your portfolio (if you have one) and put it on display. You will have the option to provide a very brief description (roughly 2 mins) of your services in an informal manner and to mingle with prospective employers. Employers will also be invited to give a brief description of their needs as well, be it medical writing/editing or graphic design etc.

Please RSVP by July 31st (although don't think you can't come to the event if you don't RSVP in time!), but please give me as much notice as possible, so I can let the restaurant know how many chairs to set up. Mesa 14 is a wonderful Mexican restaurant on Bishop near the corner of St. Catherine's.

Crystal Kaczkowski, MSc.
Freelance medical writer
(514) 585-3077

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